Marathon Post

Est 10.04.21
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is a Boston based post house owned and operated by Michael Larareo.

Marathon Post is named after a piece of advice Larareo was given from his mentor Ryan Sheehy. Before starting post production on Dunk Battle Sheehy commented that, “Its important that we set a steady consistent pace, Post is a marathon not a sprint”. These words rang true throughout the entire eight episode season, and became a pillar of Larareo’s approach to post production.

From making the intial selects to final delivery, Marathon Post guarantees a consistent pace that will get your vision across the finish line!

Established  10.04.21, In those first two years Marathon Post has collaborated with filmmakers the likes of Ryan Sheehy, Malakhai Pearson, Adam Jason Cohen, Haley Elizabeth Anderson  and Xavier Andrews.

Client Testimonial
Xavier Andrews

I cannot speak higher about Marathon Post's editing skills. Having the honor to work side-by-side with them on two blockbuster series—BIG 3 All-Star Game Show and Dunk Battle—was nothing short of amazing.

What blows me away is Marathon Post's creative chops. They don't just follow directions; they build on them. But as a producer their most underrated attribute is there ability to hit any deadline.  You would be a fool not to hire them. Marathon Post is class personified.

I recommend them for all editing needs.

Marathon Post is proud to list the following companies as clients.